BUD* | 2 Days of live lectures 20th & 21st May only | £ 144 |
BLOOM | 2 Days of live lectures 20th & 21st May | £ 256 |
BOUQUET | 2 Days of live lectures 20th & 21st May | £356 |
* Due to the live conference running to GMT+1 (London time), the BUD Conference pass is only really suitable for participants in Western Europe and the British Isles and is for 2 days only.
Are you a Member of ICAN?
Current Members (Student, Professional or Business) of the International Clinical Aromatherapy Network benefit from a 20% reduction on the above ticketing for BLOOM and BOUQUET registrations!
Did you know that we also have a bursary scheme for participants who are unable to attend due to their personal, social and financial circumstances?
Looking to partner with or sponsor botanica2022
or be an exhibitor in our virtual trade show?
Please note:
Under French tax law, when determining if French Tax should be charged on our admission fees for live online events such as Botanica2022, we have to consider the TAX place of supply rules.
The place of supply rules determines where a supply takes place for TAX purposes and therefore if French TAX should be charged. There are general rules for supplies to business and non-business consumers as well as several exceptions to the general rule. The supply of admission to a live online event like Botanica2022 falls under the general rule and means the following:
- If you are a business customer, the place of supply is where you belong and if this is outside of the EU, no FRENCH TAX will be charged.
- If you are a business customer and are based in another EU country, apart from France, the tax will be accounted for under the reverse charge.
- If you are a non-business customer, the place of supply is where we belong (FRANCE) and FRENCH TAX will be charged at the applicable rate.
Our understanding is that you are a non-business delegate and therefore we have charged FRENCH TAX. However, should this be incorrect we would be happy to review further. To proceed further would need you to provide us with confirmation that you are a VAT/ Tax registered business and this would need to be evidenced by way of providing us with your VAT / Tax registration number.
For any questions, please email Marie-Anne directly:
[email protected]