Phyto-aromatherapy for women’s health: A focus on Damask rose (Rosa damascena)
Dr Carole Minker, PharmD, PhD, is a French therapist working with natural remedies to help people struggling with infertility and to help women dealing with feminine issues throughout their lives.
She has been specializing in phytotherapy for over 15 years, as well as in aromatherapy, micronutrition, gemmotherapy, Bach flower remedies and environmental health.
Carole is also an herbal medicine trainer for various training schools dedicated to health professionals. She is a writer for several publishing houses; including « 200 plantes qui guérissent » (200 healing plants), « Se soigner au naturel pendant la grossesse et l’allaitement » (Natural healing during pregnancy and breastfeeding) and « Soigner son enfant avec les médecines douces » (Caring for your child with alternative medicine) for Larousse publishing.